Putting Your Brand in A Radical Way

(The Manager’s Lounge – Sales & Marketing) – So, I remember seeing this Rolex advertisement somewhere. The ad doesn’t appear like your regular fruit juice advertisement which pursuade you to buy it by describing all its nutritious facts, or how much sugar on it. This ad says “You’re not ready”, as in “You’re not ready for Rolex”, The ad go as far as saying that you’re too young for Rolex and stating that it will take years for you to achieve it. This ad insults your pride real bad. Bottom line, Rolex’s saying that they’re too good for you. And in the end of the statement, the ad’s saying “Of coursem if you’re disagree, you can visit an official Rolex Jeweller”. Wow.

Admit it, how many brands that define themselves as too good for you and openly state that you’ll have to prove yourself “worthy” for the item ? Well, Rolex’s one of them. This brand is so exquisite that they put such daring advertisement.
Sometimes we had to position our brand in a radical way in order to promote it. Good performance and imagery are very important in order to weed out other competitor. Salience, on the other hand, pave the way to the previous two points. When your product stands out from the rest, you can assure that it will climb up and get into the resonance point.
Salience is a very important aspect of the branding pyramid. Positioned on the bottom of the triangle, salience is the thing that defines “who you are”, the customer will ask themselves, “who am I, and what brand that represent me”. The way you promote your product has to make your customers ask for themselves, were they born to wear Gucci ? Am I worthy to wear a Rolex ? Am I a Rolls-Royce guy or not ? When they struggle to define themselves, you had to assure them, that your product was made for them. Assure them that your product are made for them, and it was exquisite, special, and one-of a kind. It was made for them, and only for them. State it like it is their lost part of their body, waiting to be re-united again since birth. That they were born to wield it like they deserve it.
When you had reach this sub-consciousness piece of mind, the customer will not just be interested to buy your product. They will work hard for it, they will work hard to reach the standard line that YOU’ve established. They will come to your standard, they will flock for you, and not otherwise.
You don’t always have to sunk your product so down low in order to attract the customer. You had to understand them. You had to dominate their way of thinking. You had to control their mind. Don’t just sell your product like penjual gorengan does. Think like your customer think. Reach into their mind and dig their deepest desire, then exploit it !
(Michael Judah/AA/TML)
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