The Face Of Excitement

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(Business Lounge Journal – Culture) – Do you wanna know what I am thinking about Indonesian kids? They are energetic, friendly, and happy. Yes, they are! That’s why I like to see the picture of them. And one thing I like about Indonesian kids, they are often show their happiness and smiling face. Quoting from The Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia, Mrs. Susi Pudjiastuti “The excitement is energy. Energy is the success”. See, the key factor of success is energy, and energy came from excitement. Now, I understand why Indonesian kids always energetic and never look limp. The answer is clear, because they always happy and exciting when they are doing their activities, anywhere we find them.


It was morning at Gunung Salak Endah, West Java, when the kids arrived at school, and having fun together before the class started. They played traditional games, not gadget for sure, and they didn’t care about social media update on smartphone. See? Traditional games make their happy!


Swing..swing..swing it boys! Yes, they are swinging in the air. And yes, again with excitement and happy faces! They are not afraid of falling, they are not afraid of dirtiness, well..they are happy and smiling each other..what a wonderful life!

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See their looks? Simple face, but their smile is so inspiring. The grass is their playground, and the sky is their roof. Little Indonesian kids, looking at their future with smile!

chellie /Journalist/VMN/BL
Images : Tan Yoh
Editor : Kristanto Nugroho
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