Britain's (L-R) Camilla The Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Charles, Prince Willian holding Prince George, Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, Queen Elizabeth, and Prince Andrew stand on the balcony at Buckingham Palace after attending the Trooping the Colour ceremony at Horse Guards Parade in central London, Britain June 13, 2015. Trooping the Colour is a ceremony to honour the Queen's official birthday. REUTERS/Stefan Wermuth TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY *** Local Caption *** Ratu Inggris Elizabeth (ketiga kanan) bersama Pangeran Charles (kedua kiri), Duchess of Cornwall Camilla (kiri), Pangeran William (keempat kiri), Pangeran George (ketiga kiri), Duchess of Cambridge Catherine (kelima kiri), dan Pangeran Andrew berdiri di atas balkon Istana Buckingham setelah menghadiri upacara Trooping the colour di Lapangan Parade Pasukan Berkuda di London, Inggris, Sabtu (13/6). Trooping the Colour merupakan upacara untuk memperingati hari ulang tahun Ratu Elizabeth. ANTARA FOTO/REUTERS/Stefan Wermuth/ox/15.