Josh Estey adalah seorang fotografer dari Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat yang telah lama berdomisili di Indonesia. Di tengah-tengah kesibukannya sebagai seorang fotografer, Josh menyisihkan weekend-nya untuk melakukan passion-nya, berjualan kopi! Namun tergolong unik, kopi dari Bear & Co dicampur dengan nitrogen, memberikan rasa, sensasi, dan aftertaste yang berbeda dengan kopi pada umumnya. Ia merancang sendiri mesin dan resep untuk minuman jualannya ini.
Apa ide dibalik bisnis ini?
I develop this project with my kids through a bicycle and i was saying, let’s get a name, and i was thinking a bicycle-related name at first, but Xenia, my ten-years old is telling that “No papa, we’re your bears, the bears need to be in the name”, so that’s how it comes to Bear & Co. So, actually it was their idea, because they’re my three little bears.
Kenapa memilih Pasar Santa?
Mainly for the community. Truthfully, where else can you open a pop up store in Jakarta ? The rent’s expensive. But at Pasar Santa, the rent’s affordable and you can experiment. See what suits you. And it’s only in here people can come, and talk to each other. There’s a lot of people from creative community also come, and they can do whatever they’re passionate about.
Apa relationship anda dengan pasar basah dibawah?
I buy my lemon everyday from them ! Anything i can buy from them, i buy from them. We’re aiming for a different market, but we’re trying to create a synergy.
Apa harapan anda untuk pasar ini di masa mendatang ?
Well, i hope it stays the same.
Michael Judah /VMN/BL
Editor: Ruth Berliana