PAMPLONA, SPAIN - JULY 06: Revellers enjoy the atmosphere during the opening day or 'Chupinazo' of the San Fermin Running of the Bulls fiesta on July 6, 2015 in Pamplona, Spain. The annual Fiesta de San Fermin, made famous by the 1926 novel of US writer Ernest Hemmingway entitled 'The Sun Also Rises', involves the daily running of the bulls through the historic heart of Pamplona to the bull ring. (Photo by David Ramos/Getty Images)
(Business Lounge Journal – Art) National Geographic merilis foto-foto terbaiknya untuk tahun 2015. Dalam sebuah artikelnya yang bertajuk Daily Travel Photo: Best of 2015, maka ada puluhan foto yang ditampilkan. Foto-foto ini memang memiliki moment yang sangat pas untuk didokumentasikan sehingga wajar apabila foto-foto ini menjadi yang terbaik.
Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain
PAMPLONA, SPAIN – JULY 06: Revellers enjoy the atmosphere during the opening day or ‘Chupinazo’ of the San Fermin Running of the Bulls fiesta on July 6, 2015 in Pamplona, Spain. The annual Fiesta de San Fermin, made famous by the 1926 novel of US writer Ernest Hemmingway entitled ‘The Sun Also Rises’, involves the daily running of the bulls through the historic heart of Pamplona to the bull ring. (Photo by David Ramos/Getty Images)
Arena yang sangat padat dalam pembukaan San Fermin Festival, sebuah lomba lari banteng di Pamplona, Spanyol yang diadakan sejak 1591. Acara ini menarik puluhan ribu pengunjung setiap tahunnya selama 9 hari dan terkenal di seluruh dunia.
Night Fishermen, Japan
TOKUSHIMA, JAPAN – FEBRUARY 21: (CHINA OUT, SOUTH KOREA OUT) Fish collecting lamps of young eel fishing boats are seen on the Yoshino River on February 21, 2015 in Tokushima, Japan. Fishermen scoop approximately 5 centimetres young eels which gather to lamps. Eels are collected and raised as farming facilities. (Photo by The Asahi Shimbun via Getty Images)
Nelayan menunggu belut kaca untuk ditarik ke lampu terang di sungai Yoshino Jepang.
Carnival of Binche, Belgium
Belgium, carnaval of Binche. UNESCO World Heritage Parade Festival. Belgium, Walloon Municipality, province of Hainaut, village of Binche. Photograph by Sergi Reboredo, VWPics/Redux.
Karnaval Binche acara tahunan di kota Belgia Binche selama hari Minggu, Senin, dan Selasa sebelum Rabu Abu. Karnaval ini diadakan di beberapa tempat di Belgia pada saat yang bersamaan dan telah dinyatakan sebagai Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity yang terdaftar di UNESCO. Acara ini diselenggarakan sejak abad ke-14.
Skaters on Lake Baikal, Russia
The photo was taken at ice skating journey on lake Baikal, Russia. Baikal in winter becomes the biggest ice rink in the world, fully covered with small and huge cracks, resembling spider’s web. We enjoyed more than 300 kilometers of smooth (and sometimes rough) ice, skating from Listvyanka to Khuzhir whithin less than two weeks. On the photo you can see small figures of skaters dragging loaded sledges behind. Photograph by Evgeny Dubinchuk.
Hung Yen, Vietnam
Fisher man tools transporter, Hung Yen, Viet Nam. Photograph by Huynh Jet.
Seorang nelayan yang terlihat sedang mengendarai sepeda yang dimuati dengan keranjang yang adalah perangkap ikan. Perangkap berumpan yang terbuat dari anyaman untuk mengumpulkan ikan, belut, dan kepiting.
Bern, Switzerland
epaselect epa04542318 Snow covers the roofs of houses in the city of Bern, Switzerland, 29 December 2014. EPA/PETER KLAUNZER ONE TIME USE ONLY.
FlamingoLesser terbang di atas DanauBogoriadi Kenya.
Coyote Buttes, Arizona
Seth Pollack hiking in The Wave, Coyote Buttes Wilderness Area, Arizona. Photograph by Stephen Matera.
Utrera, Spain
UTRERA, SPAIN – APRIL 13: Bell ringers of Utrera perform on Palm Sunday at the beginning of Holy week in Santa Marta de la Mesa Church on April 13, 2014 in Utrera, Spain. Church Bell ringers of Utrera keep a tradition that is more than 500 years and are currently seeking to be included on UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity list. Easter week is traditionally celebrated with processions in most Spanish towns. (Photo by Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images)
São Paulo, Brazil
A man takes a picture of an art piece by French artist Daniel Buren during the SP-Arte fair in Sao Paulo April 10, 2015. SP-Arte is an an international art fair that brings together around 140 art galleries from 17 different countries. REUTERS/Nacho Doce – RTR4WVB3
Editor: Ruth Berliana
Image : National Geographic